2011년 12월 28일 수요일

CLM 설치 - 4.0 M6로의 업그레이드

CLM 4.0 M6 Upgrade 위키

1) CLM 4.0M6에서는 톰캣 7을 설치합니다. 따라서 톰캣 5.5의 설정 파일을 그대로 복사하기 보다는 가이드에 따라서 복사하시기 바랍니다.

2) 하나의 애플리케이션 서버에 다수의 째즈 애플이 있는 경우는 한꺼번에 업그레이드를 하시기 바랍니다.
   째즈 애플이 별도의 애플리케이션 서버에 각각 있는 경우에는 독립적으로 업그레이드 할 수 있습니다. 가이드를 참고하세요.
   (그래도 항상 JTS 애플을 먼저 업그레이드 하세요.)

3) 기존의 CLM용 데이터베이스를 업그레이드 할 경우에는 addTables나 createWarehouse 커맨드를 사용하여 최신 형식으로 데이터베이스를 바꾸시기 바랍니다.

4) If your environment does not support a converter, for example AIX or Solaris, you must install the version of the converter.war on the dedicated converter. For detailed information see: https://jazz.net/wiki/bin/view/Main/DelegatedConverterApplication.

톰캣 애플리케이션 서버 사용자 - Upgrading to CLM 4.0M6

In the examples below, "3.Xor4.0M5" will refer to the directory hierarchy where the 3.0.1.X or 4.0M5 server is installed, "4.0M6" refers to the directory hierarchy where the 4.0M6 server is installed. All examples below are for Linux. You must modify accordingly for Windows or other Operating Systems.
  1. Install CLM 4.0M6. Do not run setup.
    For distributed configurations, install the CLM 4.0M6 application corresponding to the 3.Xor4.0M5 application you already have installed.

    Note: You must always upgrade the jts first!

  2. Stop the 3.Xor4.0M5 server

  3. If using Derby, copy the Derby DB from 3.Xor4.0M5 to 4.0M6 as shown below:
    # Clean default 4.0 Derby DBs
    rm -rf 4.0M6/server/conf/jts/derby/repositoryDB
    rm -rf 4.0M6/server/conf/ccm/derby/repositoryDB
    rm -rf 4.0M6/server/conf/qm/derby/repositoryDB
    # Copy 3.x DBs to 4.0
    cp -R 3.Xor4.0M5/server/conf/jts/derby/repositoryDB  4.0M6/server/conf/jts/derby
    cp -R 3.Xor4.0M5/server/conf/ccm/derby/repositoryDB  4.0M6/server/conf/ccm/derby
    cp -R 3.Xor4.0M5/server/conf/qm/derby/repositoryDB  4.0M6/server/conf/qm/derby
  4. If using DB2, Oracle or MS SQL Server, backup the database.

  5. If using the Tomcat user registry, preserve your 3.Xor4.0M5 tomcat-users.xml as shown below:
    cp 3.Xor4.0M5/server/tomcat/conf/tomcat-users.xml  4.0M6/server/tomcat/conf/tomcat-users.xml
  6. If using the LDAP user registry
    1. Open the 3.Xor4.0M5/server/tomcat/conf/server.xml file with a text editor, locate the XML following code snippet and copy it to the clipboard
    2. Open the 4.0M6/server/tomcat/conf/server.xml file with a text editor, locate the following XLM code snippet, replace it with the XML code snippet copied to the clipboard in the earlier step and save the server.xml file
    3. Copy all other custom settings made to the 3.Xor4.0M5/server/tomcat/conf/server.xml file (if there any) to the new 4.0M6/server/tomcat/conf/server.xml file similar to what was done in the above two steps
    4. Open the 3.Xor4.0M5/server/tomcat/webapps/admin/WEB-INF/web.xml file with a text editor, locate the XML following code snippet and copy it to the clipboard
       JazzAdmins .... 
       JazzDWAdmins ... 
       JazzUsers ... 
       JazzGuests ... 
       JazzProjectAdmins ... 
    5. Open the 4.0M6/server/tomcat/webapps/admin/WEB-INF/web.xml file with a text editor, locate the following XLM code snippet, replace it with the XML code snippet copied to the clipboard in the earlier step and save the web.xml file
       JazzAdmins .... 
       JazzDWAdmins ... 
       JazzUsers ... 
       JazzGuests ... 
       JazzProjectAdmins ... 
    6. Copy all other custom settings made to the 3.Xor4.0M5/server/tomcat/webapps/admin/WEB-INF/web.xml file (if there any) to the new 4.0M6/server/tomcat/webapps/admin/WEB-INF/web.xml file similar to what was done in the above two steps
    7. Copy the security-role information also for the following CLM applications similar what was done in the above three steps
      1. From 3.Xor4.0M5/server/tomcat/webapps/jts/WEB-INF/web.xml to 4.0M6/server/tomcat/webapps/jts/WEB-INF/web.xml
      2. From 3.Xor4.0M5/server/tomcat/webapps/ccm/WEB-INF/web.xml to 4.0M6/server/tomcat/webapps/ccm/WEB-INF/web.xml
      3. From 3.Xor4.0M5/server/tomcat/webapps/qm/WEB-INF/web.xml to 4.0M6/server/tomcat/webapps/qm/WEB-INF/web.xml
      4. From 3.Xor4.0M5/server/tomcat/webapps/rm/WEB-INF/web.xml to 4.0M6/server/tomcat/webapps/rm/WEB-INF/web.xml
  7. Copy your JFS/text indices from 3.Xor4.0M5 to 4.0M6. For distributed systems, go to the appropriate server to copy the files.
    # Clean default 4.0 JFS text indices
    rm -rf 4.0M6/server/conf/jts/indices
    rm -rf 4.0M6/server/conf/ccm/indices
    rm -rf 4.0M6/server/conf/qm/indices
    # Copy 3.x JFS text indices to 4.0
    cp -R 3.Xor4.0M5/server/conf/jts/indices 4.0M6/server/conf/jts
    cp -R 3.Xor4.0M5/server/conf/ccm/indices 4.0M6/server/conf/ccm
    cp -R 3.Xor4.0M5/server/conf/qm/indices 4.0M6/server/conf/qm
  8. Copy your application config files from 3.Xor4.0M5 to 4.0M6. For distributed systems, go to the appropriate server to copy the files.
    cp 3.Xor4.0M5/server/conf/jts/teamserver*.properties  4.0M6/server/conf/jts
    cp 3.Xor4.0M5/server/conf/ccm/teamserver*.properties  4.0M6/server/conf/ccm
    cp 3.Xor4.0M5/server/conf/qm/teamserver*.properties  4.0M6/server/conf/qm
    cp 3.Xor4.0M5/server/conf/admin/admin.properties*  4.0M6/server/conf/admin
    cp 3.Xor4.0M5/server/conf/admin/friends.rdf*  4.0M6/server/conf/admin
    cp 3.Xor4.0M5/server/conf/rm/fronting.properties  4.0M6/server/conf/rm
    cp 3.Xor4.0M5/server/conf/rm/friendsconfig.rdf  4.0M6/server/conf/rm
  9. If upgrading from 3.Xor4.0M5, manually edit 4.0M6/server/conf/rm/fronting.properties and add the following line:
  10. Run the repotools -addTables command to insure the database has the correct tables. For distributed systems, go the appropriate server and run the repotools command. If your deployment originated with the 2.X versions, your application repotools commands will have the "-jazz" suffix. If your deployment originated with 3.Xor4.0M5 versions, your application repotools commands will have "-ccm" and "-qm" suffixes.
    cd 4.0M6/server
    ./repotools-jts.sh -addTables noPrompt
    ./repotools-ccm.sh -addTables noPrompt
    ./repotools-qm.sh -addTables noPrompt
  11. If you have a data warehouse configured, run the repotools-jts -createWarehouse command to update the data warehouse schema to 4.0.
    cd 4.0M6/server
    ./repotools-jts.sh -createWarehouse noPrompt
  12. Start the server(s).

  13. Activate licenses if necessary. For example, with milestone releases, you will need to activate the Early Access licenses shipped with the milestone.
    - Login as an Administrator to the 4.0M6 Jazz Team Server
    - Navigate to Server Administration->License Key Management page and activate the licenses

  14. Derived from http://publib.boulder.ibm.com/infocenter/clmhelp/v3r0m1/topic/com.ibm.jazz.install.doc/topics/t_rrc_online_migration.html.

    - Open your browser, clear the browser cache, and navigate to the RM web client. Specify the server name and port in the following URL: https://server:port/rm/web/projects/migration. The default port is 9443. This page detects that a migration is in progress and starts the Migration wizard.
    - Accept the Rational Requirements Composer - Analyst Client Access license.
    - Click Open Migration Service Panel and click to use the Migration wizard to start the Rational Requirements Composer migration. Status is reported to the administrator on the migration web page about which storage area is being processed and when it has begun indexing while the migration is in progress.
    Important: After the migration begins, you cannot cancel this operation until the migration is complete.
    - After the migration is complete, the Rational Requirements Composer data is reindexed.
    - After the reindexing is complete, the application performs validation and consistency checks on the migrated data and provides feedback to the administrator. The message "The Migration is complete". Click Close. You will be redirected to the RRC application.
Note: You do not need to run Setup on the 4.0M6 system since everything is already setup.

WAS 애플리케이션 서버 사용자 - Upgrading to CLM 4.0M6

In the examples below, "3.Xor4.0M5" will refer to the directory hierarchy where the 3.0.1.X or 4.0M5 server is installed, "4.0M6" refers to the directory hierarchy where the 4.0M6 server is installed. All examples below are for Linux. You must modify accordingly for Windows or other Operating Systems.

  1. Install CLM 4.0M6. Do not run jts/setup.
    For distributed configurations, install the CLM 4.0M6 application corresponding to the 3.Xor4.0M5 application you already have installed.
    Note: You must always upgrade the jts first!

  2. Backup the WAS profile
    -Open a command prompt and change the directory to /bin (for example /opt/IBM/WebSphere/AppServer/profiles/AppSrv01/bin)
    -Run the following command:
    (for example ./backupConfig /root/was_backups/clm_3X_profile.zip)

    Note: The backed up profile can be restored if needed by running the following command: ./restoreConfig
    (for example ./restoreConfig /root/was_backups/clm_3X_profile.zip)

  3. Uninstall the 3.Xor4.0M5 applications from WAS
    - Log on to the WAS Admin console at https://:9043/ibm/console/logon.jsp
    - Open the Enterprise Applications page by selecting "Applications -> Applications Types -> WebSphere enterprise applications" from the menu
    - Write down the security roles mapping of the following 3.Xor4.0M5 applications to assist you with remapping them for the 4.0 counterparts in step 14: ccm_war, jts_war and qm_war
    - Stop and uninstall the following 3.Xor4.0M5 applications: admin_war, ccm_war, clmhelp_war, converter_war, jts_war, qm_war and rm_war
    - Save the changes to the master configuration when prompted

  4. Update JAZZ_HOME and log4j.configuration custom properties in WAS
    - Log on to the WAS Admin console at https://:9043/ibm/console/logon.jsp
    - Open the Application Servers page by selecting "Servers -> Server Types -> WebSphere application servers" from the menu
    - Click the server that is currently being used (for example, the default server is named server1)
    - Click the "Java and Process Management -> Process definition" link in the Server Infrastructure section
    - Click the "Java Virtual Machine" link in the Additional Properties section
    - Click the "Custom Properties" link in the Additional Properties section
    - Click the JAZZ_HOME link and update its value to file:////server/conf (for example file:///opt/IBM/JazzTeamServer_4.0M6/server/conf)
    - Click log4j.configuration link and update its value to file:////server/conf/startup_log4j.properties (for example file:///opt/IBM/JazzTeamServer_4.0M6/server/conf/startup_log4j.properties)
    - Save the changes to the master configuration when prompted
    For more details on installing and setting up WAS, please refer to the following document for details http://publib.boulder.ibm.com/infocenter/clmhelp/v3r0m1/topic/com.ibm.jazz.install.doc/topics/t_s_server_installation_setup_WAS.html

  5. Stop the WAS server

  6. Remove the CLM related contents form the wstemp and temp directories in the profile. These CLM artifacts are named as: admin_war, ccm_war, clmhelp_war, converter_war, jts_war, qm_war and rm_war.
    /wstemp (for example /opt/IBM/WebSphere/AppServer/profiles/AppSrv01/wstemp)
    /temp (for example /opt/IBM/WebSphere/AppServer/profiles/AppSrv01/temp)

  7. Remove the CLM related logs form the logs directory in the profile
    /logs (for example /opt/IBM/WebSphere/AppServer/profiles/AppSrv01/logs)

  8. Prepare the databases for the CLM 4.0M6 applications
    -If using Derby, move the Derby DB from 3.Xor4.0M5 to 4.0M6 as shown below:
    cp -R 3.Xor4.0M5/server/conf/jts/derby/repositoryDB  4.0M6/server/conf/jts/derby
    cp -R 3.Xor4.0M5/server/conf/ccm/derby/repositoryDB  4.0M6/server/conf/ccm/derby
    cp -R 3.Xor4.0M5/server/conf/qm/derby/repositoryDB  4.0M6/server/conf/qm/derby

    -If using DB2, Oracle or MS SQL Server, backup the databases appropriately

  9. Copy your JFS/text indices from 3.Xor4.0M5 to 4.0M6. For distributed systems, go to the appropriate server to copy the files.
    cp -R 3.Xor4.0M5/server/conf/jts/indices 4.0M6/server/conf/jts
    cp -R 3.Xor4.0M5/server/conf/ccm/indices 4.0M6/server/conf/ccm
    cp -R 3.Xor4.0M5/server/conf/qm/indices 4.0M6/server/conf/qm

  10. Copy your application config files from 3.Xor4.0M5 to 4.0M6. For distributed systems, go to the appropriate server to copy the files.
    cp 3.Xor4.0M5/server/conf/jts/teamserver*.properties  4.0M6/server/conf/jts
    cp 3.Xor4.0M5/server/conf/ccm/teamserver*.properties  4.0M6/server/conf/ccm
    cp 3.Xor4.0M5/server/conf/qm/teamserver*.properties  4.0M6/server/conf/qm
    cp 3.Xor4.0M5/server/conf/admin/admin.properties*  4.0M6/server/conf/admin
    cp 3.Xor4.0M5/server/conf/admin/friends.rdf*  4.0M6/server/conf/admin
    cp 3.Xor4.0M5/server/conf/rm/fronting.properties  4.0M6/server/conf/rm
    cp 3.Xor4.0M5/server/conf/rm/friendsconfig.rdf  4.0M6/server/conf/rm

  11. Manually edit 4.0M6/server/conf/rm/fronting.properties and add the following line:
  12. Run the repotools -addTables command to insure the database has the correct tables. For distributed systems, go the appropriate server and run the repotools command. If your deployment originated with the 2.X versions, your application repotools suffix will be "jazz". If your deployment originated with 3.Xor4.0M5 versions, your application repotools suffixes will be "ccm" and "qm".
    cd 4.0M6/server
    ./repotools-jts.sh -addTables noPrompt
    ./repotools-ccm.sh -addTables noPrompt
    ./repotools-qm.sh -addTables noPrompt

  13. If you have a data warehouse configured, run the repotools -createWarehouse command to update the data warehouse schema to 4.0M6.
    cd 4.0M6/server
    ./reportools-jts.sh -createWarehouse

  14. Start the WAS server

  15. Install the 4.0M6 war files in WAS
    - Log on to the WAS Admin console at https://:9043/ibm/console/logon.jsp
    - Open the Enterprise Applications page by selecting "Applications -> Applications Types -> WebSphere enterprise applications" from the menu
    - Install the following 4.0M6 war files: admin.war, ccm.war, clmhelp.war, converter.war, jts.war, qm.war and rm.war
    - Map security roles appropriately for the following applications: ccm_war, jts_war and qm_war
    (Please refer to the following document for details http://publib.boulder.ibm.com/infocenter/clmhelp/v3r0m1/topic/com.ibm.jazz.install.doc/topics/t_deploy_was.html)

  16. Start the following applications in WAS while in the Enterprise Applications page of the Admin Console: admin_war, ccm_war, clmhelp_war, converter_war, jts_war, qm_war and rm_war

  17. Do a server reset for JTS, CCM and QM. For example:

  18. Activate licenses if necessary. For example, with milestone releases, you will need to activate the Early Access licenses shipped with the milestone.
    - Login as an Administrator to the 4.0M6 Jazz Team Server
    - Navigate to Server Administration->License Key Management page and activate the licenses

  19. Derived from http://publib.boulder.ibm.com/infocenter/clmhelp/v3r0m1/topic/com.ibm.jazz.install.doc/topics/t_rrc_online_migration.html.

    - Open your browser, clear the browser cache, and navigate to the RM web client. Specify the server name and port in the following URL: https://server:port/rm/web/projects/migration. The default port is 9443. This page detects that a migration is in progress and starts the Migration wizard.
    - Accept the Rational Requirements Composer - Analyst Client Access license.
    - Click Open Migration Service Panel and click to use the Migration wizard to start the Rational Requirements Composer migration. Status is reported to the administrator on the migration web page about which storage area is being processed and when it has begun indexing while the migration is in progress.
    Important: After the migration begins, you cannot cancel this operation until the migration is complete.
    - After the migration is complete, the Rational Requirements Composer data is reindexed.
    - After the reindexing is complete, the application performs validation and consistency checks on the migrated data and provides feedback to the administrator. The message "The Migration is complete". Click Close. You will be redirected to the RRC application.
Note: You do not need to run Setup on the 4.0M6 system since everything is already setup.

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