2011년 12월 28일 수요일

RAM과 RTC의 통합 유스케이스

 출처 : http://www-01.ibm.com/support/docview.wss?uid=swg21497832

UC1, UC2, UC3, UC4 - For Rational Asset Manger V7.5.1, use Rational Team Concert V2.0.0.2, interim fix 006 and later, V3.0 and later, V3.0.1 and later.

  • UC5 : The Rational Asset Manager server uses the included copy of Rational Team Concert to manage the workflows for asset lifecycles.

UC5 - For Rational Asset Manger V7.5.1, use Rational Team Concert V2.0.0.2, interim fix 006 and later. During server setup, you can specify whether to use the included instance of Rational Team Concert. Rational Asset Manager V7.5 and later include a licensed copy of Rational Team Concert V2.0.0.2.


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