2011년 11월 28일 월요일

커맨드를 이용한 IM 설치

To install Installation Manager in console mode:
  1. Download Installation Manager installation files see: Installation Manager downloads.
  2. Create a directory to store your installation files.
  3. Extract the installation files to the directory.
  4. Open a command prompt and go to the directory you created.
  5. In a command prompt, run one of the following commands:
    Table 1. Installation commands by operating system and mode
    Operating systemAdministratorNonadministratorGroup
    Windowsinstallc -cuserinstc -cNot available.
    Linux, UNIX,IBM i and z/OS®./installc -c./userinstc -c
    ./groupinstc -c


IM을 이용한 패키지 설치 방법
1. tools 디렉토리로 이동

   1.1. 어드민으로 설치한 경우 /opt/IBM/InstallationManager/eclipse/tools
   1.2. 일반사용자로 설치한 경우 /user_home_directory/IBM/InstallationManager/eclipse/tools

2. ./imcl -c를 실행

3. repository 추가하기

    3.1 Enter P: Preferences.
    3.2 Enter 1: Repositories.
    3.3 Enter D: Add repository.
    3.4 Enter a repository location: /repository.config

  1. ./imcl -c를 실행
  2. Enter 1: Install - Install software packages. Packages that can be installed are listed. 
  3. Enter 1: [ ] package_name. To select a package, enter the number to the left of the package. This example selects the first package listed.
    1. If the selected package requires a later version of Installation Manager, you are prompted to install the later version.
  4. On the Select screen, enter one of the options:
    • 1: Choose version package_version for installation. This option shows when you chose a package that is not selected for installation.
      You see the option 1: Do NOT install version package_version when you chose a package that is selected for installation.
    • 2: Show all available versions of the package.
    1. Enter the number to the left of the package that you want to install
  5. Optional: Enter O: Check for Other Versions, Fixes, and Extensions. Installation Manager searches available repositories for other versions, fixes, or extensions of the selected package.
    • For Installation Manager to search the default repository for the installed packages, the preference Search service repositories during installation and updates must be selected. This preference is selected by default. To access this preference, go to the Repositories preference page.
    • Typically, Internet access is required.
    1. Enter O: OK. The Check for Other Versions, Fixes, and Extensions option indicates the number of other versions, fixes, or extensions found but does not list the found items. To see available versions, enter the number to the left of the package then enter 2: Show all available versions of the package.
  6. Enter N: Next
  7. Options for the Licenses screen:
    • 1product_name - License Agreement. To view a license agreement, enter the number to the left of the product name. This example selects the first license agreement listed.
    • A: [ ] I accept the terms in the license agreement.
    • D: [ ] I do not accept the terms in the license agreement. If you decline the license agreement, the installation is stopped. To continue the installation, you must accept the license agreement.
    1. Enter A to accept the license agreement.
    2. Enter N: Next.
  8. To enter a different value for the Shared Resources Directory, enter M: Shared Resources Directory.
     You can specify the shared resources directory only the first time that you install a package. Select the drive with enough available space to ensure adequate space for the shared resources of future packages. You cannot change the location of the shared resources directory unless you uninstall all packages.
    1. To accept the default value for Shared Resources Directory or to continue after you enter a different value, enter N: Next.
  9. To enter a different value for the package group location, enter M: Change Location.
    The architecture of the package shows when you install on a 64-bit operating system. For new package groups, you can change the bit mode by entering T: Change to bitarchitecture. For existing package groups, the option for 32-bit or 64-bit is disabled. You cannot change the architecture of an existing package group.
    1. To accept the default values or to continue after you enter a different value, enter N: Next.
  10. Enter the number to the left of the language to add or remove the language from the list of languages that are installed. You can select only one language at a time. English is selected by default. You cannot clear the selection for the English language. Your language choices apply to all packages installed in the package group.
    1. Enter N: Next.
  11. Enter the number to the left of the feature to add or remove the feature from the list of features that are installed. This screen is skipped when your product does not have any features.
    1. Enter N: Next.
  12. On the Summary screen, review your selections before you install the package.
    • To generate a response file, enter G: Generate an installation response file. Enter the name of the response file and use .xml as the file extension. Response files are XML files. You can include a directory location when you enter the response file name to save the file to a different location.
    1. Enter I: Install.
  13. When the installation completes, enter F: Finish.

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