2011년 12월 12일 월요일

RAM 째즈 통합 패턴

째즈 통합 패턴

째즈 통합 패턴AdoptionRAM
OSLC 스펙을 사용(Consume)함MandatoryRAM은 OSLC CM v1 스펙을 사용함
OSLC 스펙을 제공(Provide)함MandatoryRAM은 OSLC AM v1 스펙을 제공함
링크 및 추적성
타 응용이 노출한 자원에 대한 링크를 생성하고 수정함.
- 타 응용의 링크 선택기를 사용하여 타 응용의 기존 자원에 대한 링크를 자기 응용의 자원에 생성함.
- 타 응용의 위임형 생성 대화상자를 사용하여 타 응용의 자원을 생성하고 자기 응용의 자원과 링크를 생성함
Mandatory시나리오: RAM의 자산에 대한 결함/작업항목을 생성함.
- 요구사항, 작업항목, 테스트케이스 등의 자원에 대한 링크 선택기
- 위임형 작업항목 생성 대화상자
자기 응용의 자원에 대한 URI를 제공함.
타 응용이 자신의 문맥에서 본 응용의 자원에 대한 링크 선택기를 제공함.
타 응용이 본 응용의 자원을 생성할 수 있는 위임형 생성 대화상자를 제공함.
Mandatory시나리오: Link from a work item to an Asset that should be reused to complete the work item.
Provide URI to RAM Asset.
Provide an Asset Picker with search support to prime the picker with a filter.
Show in-context information for links to other Jazz resources.
  • For products supporting the OSLC 2.0 specifications, follow the guidelines and responsibilities for consumers of theOslcCoreUIPreview specification
  • For products not supporting the OSLC 2.0 specifications, consume the compact rendering of resources provided by other applications
MandatoryConsume: RAM consumes compact rendering for work items (supported today for work items links).
Provide in-context information for links to your Jazz resources.
  • For products supporting the OSLC 2.0 specifications, follow the guidelines and responsibilities for providers of theOslcCoreUIPreview specification
  • For products not supporting the OSLC 2.0 specifications, supportcompact rendering of your resources.
MandatoryProvide: RAM implements the compact rendering spec for assets
Link related REST APIs are specified in OSLC and follow common OSLC conventions. Use the OSLC common link property names.MandatoryConsume: RAM consumes OSLC-CM linking REST APIs to create “related change requests” links.
Links established for traceability are bi-directional. Provide REST APIs to manage a link on your resourcesMandatoryProvide: RAM provides a linking Rest API, so that other applications can create a link from an asset for traceability.
Consume Filter queries provided by other applications for their resources. Provide a user interface on the results set to illustrate the tracability between the linked items.Nice to HaveScenario: Find all assets with an open work item.
Consume: Work item Filter query "open work items".
Provide filter queries for resources defined in your applicationNice to HaveScenario: Work items blocked by non-approved assets
Provide: Filter queries for assets in a particular state.
Support to establish a link association with a context/scope/project area, so that the user can create/link to resources in a particular scopeNice to HaveThe scope in RAM is a Community.
Provide OpenSocial widgets and make them known in the consolidated widget catalogNice to HaveScenario: RTC user wants to see most popular assets, or the most recent asset submissions.
Provide: RAM widgets “New Assets”, “Top users”, “Recently changed Assets”, “Changes to subscribed Assets”
Consume widgets provided by other applications in your applicationNice to HaveConsume: RAM hosts widgets from RTC, e..g., Open Enhancements (in a particular RTC repository)
Enable reporting by supporting the OSLC Reporting specificationNice to HaveScenario: Feeds for asset changes
Provide: ATOM feed for asset changes
Provide a feed with change events to the application’s resources that can be rendered by a feed readerNice to HaveProvide: RAM already provides Asset feeds or search feeds that can be rendered in viewlets gadgets.
Support OAuth authentication, both provider and consumerMandatoryConsume: RAM today is an oauth consumer
Provide: oauth provider support is planned for RAM 7.5.
Follow the OSLC/JIA discovery conventionsMandatoryScenario: Search for an asset's creation delegate dialog
Provide: define discovery documents for RAM server

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