2011년 12월 19일 월요일

IHS 리버스 프락시 (테스트용 설정)

Install IHS

1. Download the IHS Server.

2. Place this tar.gz file in the home directory of the to-be IHS server.

3. Extract the tar and enter the IHS directory.

tar xvfz IHS.tar.gz
cd IHS

4. Create a new response file in this directory "responsefile-ihs.txt".
-OPT silentInstallLicenseAcceptance=true
-OPT allowNonRootSilentInstall=true
-OPT disableOSPrereqChecking=true
-OPT installLocation=/home/idcuser/IBM/HTTPServer
-OPT httpPort=80
-OPT runSetupAdmin=false
-OPT createAdminAuth=false
-OPT webserverDefinition=\"webserver1\"
-OPT washostname=\"localhost\"

5. Save and exit the response file.

6. Install the IHS server using the response file you just created.
./install -options "responsefile-ihs.txt" -silent

Setup SSL on IHS Server

Now that the IHS server is up and running, we need to configure it to work with SSL. To do this, we will create and sign our own certificate and use this for the SSL. These steps are required in order to correctly send requests to Jazz-based products behind the proxy.

Note You will need to substitute the follow parameters in the code below:
  • testpass (Pick a password)
  • xx.xxx.xxx.xxx (This should be the ip address of the IHS server)
1. Stop IHS Server
cd ~/IBM/HTTPServer/bin/
sudo ./apachectl stop

2. Create the keystore database
cd ~/IBM/HTTPServer/bin
./gsk7cmd -keydb -create -db ihskeys -pw testpass -expire 3650 -stash -type cms

3. Create a self-signed certificate and add it to the the new keystore db
./gsk7cmd -cert -create -db ihskeys.kdb -label xx.xxx.xxx.xxx -expire 3650 -dn "CN=xx.xxx.xxx.xxx/O=IBM/C=US" -default_cert yes -pw testpass

4. Modify httpd.conf (/IBM/HTTPServer/conf/httpd.conf) to include the new SSL information.
  • First, make sure that the IBM ssl module is loaded and un-commented.
LoadModule ibm_ssl_module modules/mod_ibm_ssl.so
  • Next, add this to the end of the httpd.conf file. Verify to make sure this is not already un-commented out in httpd.conf somewhere.
# SSL Configuration
Listen xx.xxx.xxx.xxx:443 #proxy ip

        SSLProxyEngine On
        SSLCipherSpec 27
        SSLCipherSpec 21
        SSLCipherSpec 23
        SSLCipherSpec 3A
        SSLCipherSpec 34
        SSLCipherSpec 35

KeyFile "/home/idcuser/IBM/HTTPServer/bin/ihskeys.kdb"
5. Save the httpd.conf and restart IHS
sudo ./apachectl start

Setup SSL Handshake Between Servers

This step is required in order to proxy SSL requests from the IHS server to the other WAS servers. Since our WAS servers are not using official CA-signed certificates, they are considered Invalid and cause the SSL proxy requests to fail the handshake. These steps are quite involved, so please follow them carefully. 

You must do these steps in order to get the reverse proxy to work.

1. Go to the WAS Integration Solutions Console for one of the WAS servers.

2. Security -> SSL certificate and key management -> Key Stores and Certificates

3. Create a new Key store
  • Name: was283keys (..where 283 is the last portion of this servers IP. Not required, but will make life easier later.)
  • Path: (something like this) ${CONFIG_ROOT}/cells/vlan690-9-31-192-283Node01Cell/nodes/vlan690-9-31-192-283Node01/was283keys.kdb (Note: Your path WILL be different.)
  • Type: CMSKS
  • Password: Set a password. Make sure you remember this.
4. Click OK then Save.

5. Open up NodeDefaultKeyStore.

6. Choose "Personal certificates" from the right sidebar.

7. Check the default certificate and do Export.
  • Key Store Password: Probably the default password which is: WebAS
  • Select "Key Store File" radio button
  • Key File Name: ${CONFIG_ROOT}/cells/vlan690-9-31-192-283Node01Cell/nodes/vlan690-9-31-192-283Node01/was283keys.kdb (Should be the same as above)
  • Type: CMSKS
  • Password: (the one you used above)

8. Export the Key. You can verify that it worked by going back and looking at the key store we created (was283keys) and make sure the "default" certificate is in there.

9. Next, we have to copy this key store to the IHS server. Something like this should do the trick:
cd ~/IBM/WebSphere/AppServer/profiles/AppSrv01/config/cells/vlan690-9-31-192-283Node01Cell/nodes/vlan690-9-31-192-283Node01
scp was283keys.kdb idcuser@:/home/idcuser/IBM/HTTPServer/bin

10. Now switch to the IHS server.

11. Run this command to add the certificates from our keystore into our existing IHS keystore. Be sure to change the passwords to the one you used above.
cd ~/IBM/HTTPServer/bin
./gsk7cmd -cert -import -db was283keys.kdb -pw password -type cms -target ihskeys.kdb -target_pw password -target_type cms -label default -new_label default_283

12. Restart IHS:
sudo ./apachectl restart 

Reverse Proxy Setup using IHS

The IHS configuration property is located: /home/idcuser/IBM/HTTPServer/conf/httpd.conf

Make sure that the proxy modules are loaded and uncommented:

LoadModule proxy_module modules/mod_proxy.so
LoadModule proxy_connect_module modules/mod_proxy_connect.so
LoadModule proxy_http_module modules/mod_proxy_http.so

1. In httpd.conf, add the following lines to the bottom of the httpd.conf file:
ProxyRequests off
ProxyPreserveHost on
SSLProxyEngine on

#Proxy setup for a Jazz Foundation Server
ProxyPass /jazz1/ https://x.xx.xxx.151:9443/jazz1/

   ProxyPassReverse /jazz1/

#Proxy setup for RTC Server
ProxyPass /rtc/ https://x.xx.xxx.152:9443/rtc/
    ProxyPassReverse /rtc/

#Proxy setup for RQM Server
ProxyPass /jazz/ https://x.xx.xxx.150:9444/jazz/
    ProxyPassReverse /jazz/

2. Verify that all other proxy-related settings in the httpd.conf file are commented out or disabled.

3. Restart the IHS Server:
 sudo IBM/HTTPServer/bin/apachectl restart

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