2011년 12월 22일 목요일

RAM REST API 유스케이스 시나리오


This use case scenario is an example of how to use the IBM® Rational® Asset Managers REST APIs to query, retrieve, and publish assets. In this use case scenario, Rational Asset Manager integrates with an automated build system, such as IBM Rational Build Forge or Ant scripts. The scenario is from the perspective of the automated build system.

Run a nightly build of implementations for a software release and publish or replace any implementations by using the Rational Asset Manager REST Services API.


  1. Rational Asset Manager server URL (for example, http://server:8080/ram/)
  2. User ID and password for authentication
  3. Name and version of the release asset (for example, Name: Credit Verification Service Release, Version: 1.0) 
샘플은 https://jazz.net/wiki/bin/view/Main/RamRestExamples

  •  Query for the software releases to build
  • Retrieve the content needed for the build
  • Update an existing implementation asset
  • Create an implementation asset
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