2011년 12월 27일 화요일

RQM Utilities

1. RQM URL Utility
https://jazz.net/wiki/bin/view/Main/RQMURLUtility (includes Java source!)

 "RQMUrlUtility" is a sample utility that is not intended for production use and performs actions similar to the cURL utility. This utility is a stand alone Java command line application that users can use as the basis of their development efforts to GET and PUT/POST records to an RQM server via the  RQM Reportable REST API. It allows a user to upload/download an attachment or upload/download/delete an artifact to/from the RQM Server and its goal is to provide the sample code that grants the insight to a toolsmith.
The RQM Rest API allows a user to perform CRUD type operations via XML sequences to the RQM server. This sample will provide a code that exposes those CRUD operations for GET, PUT, POST and DELETE of RQM records via HTTPS. The term CRUD stands for Create, Read, Update, Delete which corresponds to the basic database operations.

2. RQM Excel Word Importer

Microsoft Excel and Word are popular document formats used by many test organizations to author, store and maintain their test assets. These document formats are easy to use and widely available. RQM provides a utility that allows the Excel and Word applications to export test data to RQM via HTTP. Using this utility these applications can directly export test artifacts as XML file(s) in a well-defined XML format. This XML file(s) can be imported into RQM using the RQM Reportable REST API.

 The Excel and Word add-ins provide new features to these applications. The add-ins provide the following main features :
  • Export the document(s) as XML files on the local file system (‘Export to File’)
  • Export the document(s) onto the RQM repository, creating corresponding test artifacts on the RQM side (‘Export to Repository’) 
3. RQM Copy Utility
https://jazz.net/wiki/bin/view/Main/RQMCopyUtility (includes Java source!)

The RQM Copy Utility is an open-source stand-alone Java application used to copy RQM artifacts such as Test Plans, Test Cases, Lab Resources, etc. The destination of the copy can be the same Project Area, a different Project Area in the same RQM repository, or a different repository/server altogether. The primary goal of the copy would be to share common artifacts across projects and teams. It is not intended as a back-up utility. Please note: the RQM Copy Utility only works with RQM 2.0, or later. The utility will do a full copy of all supported artifacts by default. The copy utility can be directed to only copy artifacts of a given type (such as testplan, testcase). When copying artifacts of given type(s), the default behavior will be to do a "deep copy", where all referenced artifacts are copied as well. A single artifact can be copied by specifying its type and id.

The RQM Copy Utility is built on the RQM Reportable REST API, which is not compatible between Rational Quality Manager versions.

4. RQM Command Line Execution Tool

The RQM Command Line Execution Tool is compatible only to supported version of Rational Quality Manager. It works RQM 4.0 onwards.

The RQM Execution Utility is an stand-alone application used to execute Test Case Execution Record (TCER) and Test Suite Execution Record (TSER). The primary goal of the tool would be to be able to execute test from command line for automation framework outside the RQM. The tool can either trigger execution and exit or exit till execution completes


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