2011년 11월 30일 수요일

DB2 V9.5 비루트설치 제한사항



/home/db2admin/sqllib/instance/db2rfe.cfg 샘플

** ============================================================================
** Sample configuration file for db2rfe of IBM DB2
** -----------------------------------------------
** To select features and settings to configure, uncomment the corresponding
** keywords and specify values for those keywords.
** Comments are made by placing either an asterisk (*) or a number sign (#) at
** the start of a line
** ============================================================================

** This is required keyword.

** ----------------------------------------------------------------------------
** Set hard/soft data ulimit to unlimited, and hard/soft nofile ulimit to 65536.
** Note: This is for AIX only. On other platforms, refer to system documentation
** to set it manually.
** ----------------------------------------------------------------------------
** Valid value is NO and YES. Change to YES if you need to set the ulimit.

** ----------------------------------------------------------------------------
** Enable DB2 High Availability (HA) feature
** ----------------------------------------------------------------------------
** Valid value is NO and YES. Change to YES if you need to enable this feature.

** ------------------------------------------------------------------------------
** ENABLE DB2 Authentication on the server using local operating system security.
** ------------------------------------------------------------------------------
** Valid value is NO and YES. Change to YES if you need to enable this feature.

** --------------------------------------------
** Reserve DB2 remote connection service entry
** --------------------------------------------
** Valid value is NO and YES. Change to YES if you need to enable this feature.

** char(14)

** Valid value: 1024 - 65535

** --------------------------------------
** Reserve DB2 text search service entry
** --------------------------------------
** Valid value is NO and YES. Change to YES if you need to enable this feature.

** char(14)

** Valid value: 1024 - 65535

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